- Just finished an interview with Tsufit of www.stepintothespotlight.com. Great interview. Much fun.
- RT @yaniksilver A man ahead of his time @jeffmulligan revolutionizes opt-in email - quadrupleoptin.com. Good content here.
- If you are a book author, be sure to join the Book Marketing Network: bookmarket.ning.com. I blog there regularly.
- How to deal with readers of your previous book when your new book is completely different: bookmarket.ning.com. Front page post.
- I don't know why Twitter no longer allows us to delete the direct messages sent to us. They pile up and discourage me from reading any DMs.
All about book marketing, book promotion, ebook marketing, book writing, self-publishing, and book publishing.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Good morning, tweeple. Getting ready for a book consultation in a few minutes.
- Just got done doing a consult with Kathy Ireland. She has a new book (her 5th!) coming out in early April. Fantastic.
- RT @KnowNewspapers Another major newspaper is set to close. The Rocky Mountain News will publish its last edition Friday. JK: That is sad.
- RT @simplewisdom Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. - Norman Cousins
- Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. - Oprah Winfrey, TV show host
- My twinfluence continues to grow: #418! twinfluence.com/?u=JohnKremer That's not bad for a returning newbie.
- RT @Brandilyn @JohnKremer Used correctly, Twitter is an author's dream. I've connected w/ so many readers here--new and old. JK: I agree.
- RT @Brandilyn I came up with this Ten-Point Twittequette. is.gd/iWyO. JK: Good points. I'd quibble some, but not important. Like it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Twitter is a two-way street. If you don't follow people who follow you, where is the conversation?
- if you are following me and I'm not following you on Twitter, please let me know. As long as you have a real image, I will follow you.
- RT @Nenad You better hope that somebody quotes you, because if nobody quotes you, you haven't said a thing worth saying - KMFDM
- Twitter is sometimes confining, with only 140 characters. The last RT is courtesy of @rossbeckman - a good person to follow.
- If you check my tweets, you'll see that I'm a late night person. Love the night. Wake up late. Good morning :))
- Love that Quirky Marketing Calendar. Sample at budurl.com/jp8e. Goes along well with my Celebrate Today Special Events data files.
- Does anyone know why I can't delete direct messages anymore? I like to empty my DM box after reading and acting on messages.
- Bell Canada will charge its cell phone customers 15 cents per Twitter update. Includes those with unlimited text messaging. Terrible service
- Found out about Bell Canada charging for tweets at www.breakingtweets.com. Great news service via tweets.
- And discovered www.breakingtweets.com via @guykawasaki. The site went live today. Lots of traffic.
- RT @seminar_guru Pretty good stuff about Speaking at speaking.alltop.com. Me: Lots of good stuff at alltop.com.
- RT @ John_Di_Lemme Ask Questions of Successful People and You'll save Years of Confusion :)
- RT @james_watson If you want to get good at something do it every day. - Robert Anton Wilson, novelist
- 20 Ways to Be Socially Responsible When Blogging: budurl.com/dd8r. Lots of useful tips.
- RT@timasai Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Alert: Twitter feature on ABC News right now.
- I joined Friend Feed as a result of Robert Scoble, evangelist par excellence. Probably a lot of you did the same. ff.im/1e64l
- RT @Mike_Wesely There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes. Its what we do with them that's important. - Jim Rohn
- Got a 98.8 twitter grader: twitter.grader.com/johnkremer. Not bad for a returning newbie.
- My www.bookmarket.com website Alexa ranking improved again. Up about another 1,000 rankings.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Alert: new blog post Now This Is Customer Service: Read this story about an incredible Unite.. twurl.nl/wu1qse
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post There are only four 100% reliable intern.. twurl.nl/8obzh5
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- There are only four 100% reliable internet money makers: Pains, Problems, Passions and Poop: budurl.com/kh34. I love poop.
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: T.. twurl.nl/y8jg4b
- National Independent Bookstore Database available - 750+ stores, all info, for only $40 at www.bookmarket.com. Shameless plug.
- RT Great post on value of retweeting: tinyurl.com/cxnc6n
- I'm viewing the #hubspot webinar World Wide Rave with @dmscott - bit.ly/iAJuz
- RT @rossbeckham Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill
- RT @DonaldPayne "It is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln
- RT @ConnieGreen I learned to be thankful for every moment. Life is a gift. Teaching others is sharing part of your soul.
- To have people retweet any content: <a href="twitter.com/home?status=140 CHARACTER MESSAGE HERE" target="_blank">Click Here</a>
- RT @brandonhess This is a very neat way to read the news at a glance: marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/newsmap.cfm. Check it out.
- Great network of writers over at bookmarket.ning.com. Join for free and blog, ask questions, etc.
Now This Is Customer Service
Read this story about an incredible United airline captain. I would love to fly with him.
book marketing,
book promotion,
customer service
Monday, February 23, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: T.. twurl.nl/q2va2m
- If your website or blog is food-related, you need to see the list of the world's 50 best food blogs: budurl.com/tgcd. Incredible list
- I delete anyone I'm following who doesn't have a photo/icon for their twitter profile. If you can't take the time to upload a photo, so long
- I noticed that some people have 3000 followers and follow 30 people. Alas. All the good stuff they are missing. Their loss.
- Every day I'm on Twitter, I find something new and wonderful. And I usually don't spend more than 20 minutes or less a day. But always good.
- I'm glad I have so many varied followers and am following so many good and wonderful and fascinating people.
- 140 characters is tough. You sometimes have to write several tweets in a row to say what you want to say. But 140 keeps you short and sweet.
- If you are a writer, you should be listed here: budurl.com/sd99. Especially if you are a book writer.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: T.. twurl.nl/dydifm
- Traveling all day today. Just got online. Hello tweeple.
- I am still so happy about BookMarket.com going from 169,000 to 141,000 in Alexa in only five weeks. Twitter gets some credit for that.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post BookMarket.com's Alexa rank is now 141,9.. twurl.nl/op8eyc
- There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. — Peter Drucker, management expert
- Twitter guides: budurl.com/cj9f. Useful blog posts, handbooks, and reports on how to use Twitter more effectively.
- 30 Ways to Tweet. Have trouble thinking of something to tweet? Check this new ideas list out: budurl.com/ak5v.
- Alert: new blog post Twitter Makes a Difference: BookMarket.com's Alexa rank is now 141,985... twurl.nl/8w4tr3
- I love what @JonathanGunson is doing at his TrafficCafe.tv video blog. Check it out here: budurl.com/g4bw. Good tips.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Twitter Makes a Difference
BookMarket.com's Alexa rank is now 141,985. 5 weeks ago it was 169,421. That's a big jump. Twitter made a difference.
You can follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/johnkremer and learn more about the progress of BookMarket.com over the next few weeks.
Twitter guides: http://www.bookmarket.com/twitter-guide.htm. This page features useful blog posts, handbooks, and reports on how to use Twitter more effectively.
book marketing,
book promotion,
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- BookMarket.com's Alexa rank is now 141,985. 5 weeks ago it was 169,421. That's a big jump. Twitter made a difference.
- Check out the Self-Publishing Hall of Fame at www.bookmarket.com/selfpublish.html.
- Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study by Sarah Milstein: tinyurl.com/b29arh. Good!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Another Online Video Tool for Distributing Your Videos
The above is an online tool for distributing your new videos over many video-sharing networks. Be alert that this video features a loud explosion right at the beginning of the video.
For more such video distribution tools, go to http://www.bookmarket.com/videoautomation.htm. Neat stuff. And powerful.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Quick, Easy Way to Make Videos by Typing!
The above features a video I created in a few minutes by cutting and pasting some text, selecting a background scene and character, and sharing the video. You can find out more by going to XtraNormal.com: http://www.xtranormal.com.
book videos,
online marketing,
online videos,
video creation
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- I signed up for Twitter two years ago but only became active again a few weeks ago. Still surprised, tho, that my number of updates is low.
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Alert: new blog post A Quick, Easy Way t.. twurl.nl/qasrjo
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Alert: new blog post A Quick, Easy Way t.. twurl.nl/4qf0oi
- Talking to my good friend, Ron Martino.
- Just joined Deviant Art. Neat community. Will have to spend a little time there when I find some time to spend.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Alert: new blog post A Quick, Easy Way to Make Videos by Typing!: The above features a video.. twurl.nl/lju0ca
- Alert: new blog post Twitter Tools and Resources updated: I've just added a ton of new resou.. twurl.nl/xxbyne
- Alert: new blog post Another Online Video Tool for Distributing Your Videos: The above is an.. twurl.nl/cg8nut
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: T.. twurl.nl/t70zak
- Lost Internet connection today. Still not restored on my one computer. Thank God for the portable and Verizon wireless connect.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post My tweets from Twitter are all disappear.. twurl.nl/n4s5cf
- I don't know how many writers in this group write books. But wanted to pass along my BookMarket.com website if you need re is.gd/jEWO
- Testing out the ping.fm service for posting to Twitter and Facebook at the same time.
- I've just started a group at Tweetworks for anyone interested in marketing and promoting books. Join here: TwitPWR.com/bookpromotion.
- John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books at www.bookmarket.com. Ask a question at: TwitPWR.com/bookpromotion.
- I am curious how long it will take to get an active group here on Tweetworks: www.tweetworks.com/groups/view/BookPromotion.
- Just added 8 total networks in my Ping.fm account so I can post to all 8 at once. Curious.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Twitter Tools and Resources updated
I've just added a ton of new resources for using Twitter effectively. Check out the list at http://www.bookmarket.com/twitter.htm.
I've also created a separate page featuring the best Twitter guides and handbooks. You can find that page here: http://www.bookmarket.com/twitter-guide.htm.
I've also created a separate page featuring the best Twitter guides and handbooks. You can find that page here: http://www.bookmarket.com/twitter-guide.htm.
Internet marketing,
online marketing,
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- My tweets from Twitter are all disappearing. I'm curious if I'll be able to post from TweetLater.
- Just testing HootSuite.com.
- Has anyone else had a Power Twitter thingee show up on their Twitter page and then not be able to tweet from Twitter?
- This Power Twitter thingee makes it impossible to tweet. I have to tweet through HostSuite to get through. Alas.
- Somehow this Power Twitter thing is connected to GetSatisfaction.com and a service called 83 Degrees, but I did not sign up for either.
- Fortunately I am able to tweet via TweetLater and HostSuite. But if anyone knows how to get rid of the PowerTwitter thingee, let me know.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Poll: What Internet marketing venues have worked best for you in marketing your books? twtpoll.com/qsoxiy
- Now have 20 uses for the Floating Action Button script. Check them out at tinyurl.com/b537sm.
- I hate it when Twitter shorts a perfectly good URL and uses tinyurl. Here's my link again: TwitPWR.com/floatingbutton.
- Checking out a dozen new page-flipping services. You can check them out as well at www.bookmarket.com/pageflipping.htm.
- Alert: new blog post Cool New Tool for Page-Flipping Your Books: Get your own - Open publica.. twurl.nl/jkkvyh
- Alert: new blog post Tweets for Today: Twitter post Poll: What Internet marketing venues hav.. twurl.nl/uadp3k
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Poll: What Internet marketing venues have worked best for you in marketing your books? twtpoll.com/qsoxiy
- Now have 20 uses for the Floating Action Button script. Check them out at tinyurl.com/b537sm.
- I hate it when Twitter shorts a perfectly good URL and uses tinyurl. Here's my link again: TwitPWR.com/floatingbutton.
- Checking out a dozen new page-flipping services. You can check them out as well at www.bookmarket.com/pageflipping.htm.
Cool New Tool for Page-Flipping Your Books
Now you can page-flip your book for free (they will be charging later, but right now it's fast, easy, and free to upload a book and flip its pages). It's a really cool tool.
Steve Harrison makes a great video . . .
Check out a great video put together by Steve Harrison on why the National Publicity Summit is such a great program. Of course, Steve is biased since he and his brother Bill organize it (with a lot of help from their assistants and friends).
The National Publicity Summit will be held this year in New York City on April 22 to 25th. It should be a great program. You can find out more about the program and watch the video at: http://www.nationalpublicitysummit.info.

Steve and his brother publish the Radio/TV Interview Report as well as the National TV Publicity Guide (details at http://www.tvprguys.com.
The National Publicity Summit will be held this year in New York City on April 22 to 25th. It should be a great program. You can find out more about the program and watch the video at: http://www.nationalpublicitysummit.info.
Steve and his brother publish the Radio/TV Interview Report as well as the National TV Publicity Guide (details at http://www.tvprguys.com.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tweets for Today
Twitter post
- Twitter to start charging businesses for extra features. The rest of us next? Follow the story at TwitPWR.com/49Y.
- Just used twitpwr to create a custom short URL for the Twitter charging story: TwitPWR.com/bookmarket46
- The neat thing about Twitpwr is the Joel Comm is branding himself all over Twitter and the web. Read his new book on Twitter, coming soon.
- Alert: new blog post Steve Harrison makes a great video . . .: Check out a great video put t.. twurl.nl/yckr4c
- Added a poll at twtpoll.com/r/qsoxiy. What's working for you in Internet marketing? Check it out. Get current results.
- Discovered a neat how-to Internet marketing website. Looks like it's new and developing. You can contribute: TwitPWR.com/howtotips.
- Been adding more Twitter tools and resources to my Twitter resource page at TwitPWR.com/bookmarket. Cool stuff.
- Also broke out the webpage on Twitter guides, handbooks, and blog posts. Useful info here: TwitPWR.com/twitter22.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Big Mistake: BookExpo America Is Changing
BookExpo America is going to a 2.2 day event midweek and only in New York City for 2010, 2011, and probably beyond. You can read more about it in Publishers Weekly at: http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6636214.html?nid=2286&source=link&rid=1492972944.
I think that Reed is making a serious mistake here. They are trying to cater to the needs of the major New York publishers, but for years BEA has been paid for by all the small publishers who exhibit. Personally, I wouldn't recommend small publishers exhibit at BEA every year if Reed continues with their plans.
New York as a venue is fine once in a while, but every year it's too expensive, hard to get around, and boring. The midweek shortened event will also not be conducive to doing business. The exhibit hall will be inundated with all the minions who work for the few New York publishers making it even more difficult to get around the convention hall or do any real business.
Horrible, horrible, horrible.
Independent publishers should protest vociferously.
book marketing,
BookExpo America,
Sunday, February 01, 2009
New Resource Pages at BookMarket.com
Here are a few of the new pages I've recently added to BookMarket.com:
Group Blog Sites features blogging sites like Huffington Post that host hundreds of authors who blog. If you don't have time to write and market a personal blog, you might want to consider blogging on a group blog: http://www.bookmarket.com/groupblog.htm.
Keyword Search Tools to help you target the right websites to help you sell books: http://www.bookmarket.com/keywords.htm.
Twitter Tools and resources to help you Twitter effectively: http://www.bookmarket.com/twitter.htm.
Video Distribution Sites and services that allow you to post your new videos to dozens of video-sharing websites with just a few clicks: http://www.bookmarket.com/videoautomation.htm.
Twitter for Fun and Profit: Tools and Resources
I've just compiled a ton of useful tools and resources for making your Twittering more effective, effortless, and fun.
Check it out here: http://www.bookmarket.com/twitter.htm.
book marketing,
book promotion,
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