Internet radio shows are a great way to build a tribe, create relationships with many top websites and blogs, and produce new product that you can sell, give away, or use to build a brand.
Here are a few tips adapted from Blog Talk Radio's Ten Tips for Preparing for Your BlogTalkRadio Show (available free at
1. Choose a Title - Before setting up a radio show, be sure to select a show name you can live with. Also write a good description and decide on the keywords you want to focus on.
2. Be Consistent - When choosing to do a radio show, you'll build up a larger audience and create true fans if you host your show at the same time every week. A weekly show is best. Monthly is too infrequent to build a solid fan base.
3. Create an Intro - Every show needs a great intro. Add music, voice over, and pizazz to the introduction of your show. It also helps to have a closing outro to create a more professional sounding show.
4. Outline Your Show - If you want to avoid dead air or rambling shows, create an outline and stick to it.
5. Get Ready for Your Guests - Make sure your guests know the number to call in and the time and date for the show. Also prepare them with some questions you will be asking. And prepare yourself so you know your guest and what they will talk about as well as possible.
6. Queue Up Your Audio - Make sure you have your intro, outro, and other audio ready to go. It makes it easier for you to produce a professional-sounding show.
7. Test Your Show - Before announcing your show publicly, carry out one or two test shows so you can work out all the kinks in running your show.
8. Find a Quiet Place - Broadcast your show from a room that is quiet and away from any potential interruptions. Be sure to turn off any phones, ban the kids and pets, and soundproof your room as much as possible.
9. Dial in Ahead of Time - Call in 10 to 15 minutes ahead of time to launch the chat room, make sure all the sound settings are correct, and get settled before going on the air.
10. Optimize Sound Quality - Dial into your show with a high-quality landline or high-quality headset (if using Skype). Don't use a speaker phone, cellphone, or conference line.
The top ten things you can do in 2012 to sell more books:
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