Fehrman Books is a new independent publisher of design, fiction, and animal welfare titles. We just published our first book for children, ages 8-12: The Corpse that Wasn’t There by Gayle Nastasi. It's a mystery involving a young girl and her psychic Saluki hound who solve crimes. The Corpse that Wasn’t There takes place at a dog show and while the girl, her dog and friends are solving the crime, young readers are also learning about the sport of dog showing with an extensive glossary of terms provided.
To publicize this book, we have a web page at http://www.FehrmanBooks.com as well as a Facebook and Twitter page under the name of Fehrman Books, but we have also established some unique promotion lines for the novel.
Since The Corpse that Wasn’t There is the first in the Junior Handler Mystery Series which will continue to be involved with dogs and dog shows. We partnered with STOLA, Saluki Tree of Life Alliance, the national Saluki hound rescue charity. We will be donating a portion of profits to STOLA for their rescue programs. In turn, they will help us promote the book to the Saluki community. We are also negotiating with the American Kennel Club and a number of dog magazines to make their populations aware of the book. Also, because the book has an educational component, it is being well received by the schools and libraries we are contacting.
The Corpse that Wasn’t There is available as an e-book at Smashwords.com and as print and Kindle books at Amazon.com and FehrmanBooks.com. - Cherie Fehrman, publisher. Email: fehrmanbooks@earthlink.net.