August 7 is Professional Speakers Day. Here are 5 cool ideas for sharpening your next presentation.
1. A good pre-game show will help you get your game on. When creating your presentation, write it backwards, starting with the call-to-action.
2. Use my Power of Three to speak without notes. Many people are nervous when speaking in front of an audience. Nerves only make it harder to seem relaxed and stay on message. The secret is to focus on only three points.
3. Do six things in the first five minutes of every presentation. I cover all six tips in on my DVD, but here are two: 1) Teach the audience something they don't know and they'll pay attention to the rest of your talk. 2) Get the audience to do something right away, such as write something down, raise their hand, etc. This precedent will come in handy when you issue a call-to-action at the end of your presentation.
4. What you say with your body is more important than what you say with your mouth. Body language doesn't lie. Saying you're confident is wasted breath, if your body language says the opposite. Learn to present with congruity.
5. Always ask the audience to take action. If you are very specific and give a reasonable time frame, they are more likely to follow through.
Now, here's the half-price offer: Order the Present Like a Pro DVD this week and pay only $24.50. As with all my products and services, you will get much more than you pay for.