Saturday, November 05, 2011

Cookbook Authors on Tour

Here's another way that cookbook authors can make money - besides, of course, selling their books. They can host a group trip to a location associated with the recipes in their cookbooks.

From Tapas to Meze

For example, Joanne Weir, a Mediterranean cookbook author, lead a trip to Marrakech, Morocco. During the trip, she offers five cooking lessons - from making lamb stew to kneading couscous by hand. They also visit wood carvers, caftan makers, seamstresses that do intricate embroidery, etc.

Mediterranean Street Food

Anissa Helou, author of Mediterranean Street Food, lead a 10-day culinary and cultural tour of Turkey. The participants eat at top restaurants in Istanbul, take a class in making kissir (bulgur salad) at the Istanbul Culinary Institute, and visit the Blue Mosque and Ayah Sofia.

When organizing a tour, see if you can get a media sponsor or food partner to help publicize, organize, and carry out the tour. That should leave you with the fun part. Showing up, flying around, and entertaining.
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