A Marketing Activity that Worked Wonders for My Book Sales: Giving Away Free Books
I have given away a number of copies of my book, Come Back Early Today. This has had three direct beneficial results.
1. Several friends of people I gave books to purchased copies for themselves. For example, I gave a copy of my book to my vet and five of her staff members immediately ordered copies.
2. Some people who got free books subsequently bought copies to give to their friends.
3. Many people who got free books subsequently wrote reviews on Amazon, and I’m confident others will, too, as soon as they finish reading the book.
None of these things would have happened had I not given away the books in the first place.
- Marie Marley, PhD., author of Come Back Early Today: A Memoir of Love, Alzheimer’s and Joy – A passionate love story of a young American woman and a delightfully eccentric Romanian gentleman interspersed with an inspirational guide for Alzheimer’s caregivers everywhere.
For more about the book, see http://www.ComeBackEarlyToday.com.
Note: The value of reviews is not only seen on Amazon, but also on GoodReads, Shelfari, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and other social networks. People who like you or your book will tell others.