Created for both beginners and experts, Book Proposal Magic offers the most efficient and organized way for writers to create a professional looking book proposal from scratch. Writer’s can work on their book proposal from any computer with a working Internet connection, at anytime.
Book Proposal Magic offers the following benefits:
- You don't have to spend a lot of money hiring someone to help you write and edit your book proposal. BPMagic makes it easy.
- Want a step-by-step, no-brainer way to write your book proposal. You'll find it here.
- The software showcases examples of successful book proposals that you can crib to make your proposal better and better.
- Suffer from writer's block? Take some time off and come back to the proposal anytime, from anywhere you have an Internet connection.
- Once your proposal is done, you can download it instantly to your desktop as a Word document.
- You can test drive the BPMagic software for free.
If you've been putting off writing your book proposal, check out Book Proposal Magic today. Why wait any longer to sell your book? Get your book proposal done, and start selling your novel, children's book, poetry book, or nonfiction book this week!