I listed my book and described it on my website which has a small but growing audience. The pages that describe my book provide links to amazon.com and createspace.com where my book can be purchased securely online.
I've also established blogging accounts at fiscaltimes.com, huffingtonpost.com, washingtonpost.com, and yahoo.com. I've been submitting comments about article on these sites. This takes about 15 minutes each day. I usually end with a reference to my website, which does seem to drive traffic to my website. The exposure is good, but no one has yet purchased my book. - Dr. Mary Ayala, author of Economic Soul Food: Understanding the Recession of 2008
John's comments: You are getting some traffic, but you are not selling your book. One problem is your book cover. It's hard to read on Amazon.com, does not stand out, and does not sell your vision. You also need to get anyone you know who has read your book to post reviews on Amazon.com. Without the reviews, few strangers will take a chance on your book.
As for your website, I couldn't find it on the first page of Bing.com, either by searching for your name or for the title of your book. But in doing a quick search online, both maryayala.com and economicsoulfood.com seem to be available. If I were you, I'd get both of those URLs and link them to your existing website (wherever it is).