Sunday, May 17, 2009

The 30-Day Twitter Challenge

Recommend this blog post in a tweet, by clicking here
Note: You can edit the tweet before you send it out.'s website Alexa rank was 169,425 in late January. On May 22nd,'s Alexa rank was 81,087! That 88,000 improvement was due to my Twitter activity.

As a bonus, according to, 24.7% of the visitors to now come directly from Twitter.

If you have not yet joined Twitter, do it today. And be sure to follow me there via

Here are a few of the things that I've been doing on Twitter:

1. I actively sought to follow interesting people, especially authors, publishers, publicists, and Internet marketers. Many of them, in turn, followed me. I now have over 9,500 followers.

2. I welcome every follower with a link to my Twitter tools pages:

3. I post at least 10 tweets per day. I always try to include some useful tips. Here are 126 Ways to Tweet:

4. I include three or four great quotations each day. These get retweeted more than anything else. People like to retweet quotes.

5. I retweet other people. That's one of the ways to build relationships via Twitter.

6. I actually read the tweets of other people. I don't spend a lot of time doing that, but whenever I scan the tweets of the people I'm following, I always discover interesting websites and blogs to visit.

7. I visit those websites and blog posts. I've written about 20 or 30 comments in the past month.

8. I answer people's DM and @johnkremer questions and concerns. Participating in such conversations is essential to good relationships.

9. About one in ten posts might point to a blog post or web page update at

That's the essence of my Twitter activity. It takes about 30 minutes per day to manage my Twitter profiles. The key benefit of this activity has been the incredible jump in the Alexa rank for an 85,000 jump in less than four months.

Now, if you don't regularly check Alexa rankings, you might not know how incredible that jump is. A 85,000 jump when your site ranks in the millions is nothing, but such a jump in the top 200,000 is unusual.

Alexa ranks reflect how many people are visiting a website. A jump like has seen is incredibly dramatic. It means many more people are visiting Prior to my renewed Twitter activity in late January, was hovering in the 160,000s for many months. No significant movement despite my other online marketing activities. The 85,000 jump has occurred over the past four months with the only change in online activity being the points noted above regarding my Twitter activity.

This is why I've been encouraging people to join Twitter and get involved. I don't know if you'll get the same results, but I provide you with all the tools at and linked pages.

Why not take a 30-day Twitter challenge? Join, spend a little time each day on Twitter, follow interesting people, make some new friends, grow your business (or reputation as an author).
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