Monday, March 17, 2008

Strong Images: Strong Book Covers

A reader of this blog brought my attention to the above cover. As she wrote:

"I always enjoy your blog posts about book covers. I came across a wonderful cover for a book called Pocket Psycho. Unfortunately, the book is only available in Australia, but gosh, I'd buy it here in a heartbeat just based on that cover! It so perfectly conveys the feelings of a modern day cubicle worker trapped by a malevolent boss. I thought you'd get a kick out of the cover, as well."

She's right. I did enjoy the cover, especially the image. The typeface on the title -- that I'd change. But I can see why she'd buy the book based on that image.

Since it is not available in the U.S., check out the website at job-search/job-market-insider/surviving-the-office-monster.
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