Friday, April 08, 2005

Promoting Your Book via Radio, Part 1

I hosted my first ever teleseminar on Monday, April 11th. My guest was bestselling author and radio publicity expert Alex Carroll of

He explained step-by-step just how simple it is to generate millions in book sales as a radio show guest without leaving home or spending anything on advertising. Alex himself has been a guest on 1,264 radio shows over the past 10 years. He's rarely left home (most radio interviews are done by telephone), he's never spent a dime on advertising (radio interviews are free), and most importantly, he's grabbed over $1.5 Million in direct to listener book sales.

Below are my notes from the teleseminar. These are obviously brief.

4 ways to get radio interviews and which ones are the most effective:

1. Place an ad in Radio/TV Interview Report. They'll help write your pitch.
2. Hire a pr firm. Expensive.
3. Mass email/fax/mail to producers. Rarely works.
4. Call the stations and pitch them yourself. Most effective.
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