Thursday, December 29, 2022

Becky, I Love You - A Memorial to Lady Beck, My Dog

In the early morning of Tuesday, December 27th, my dog Becky, aka Lady Beck, died. She was a wonderful dog who I loved very much. several hours before she died, she touched her nose to my nose and looked at me with luminous eyes full of love and trust.

Lady Beck has my vote for dog of the year, even dog of the decade!

Note: If you want people to buy from you, don't just sell, sell, sell. Let people get to know you as a person as well. This story of my dog's death tells all of you of where my heart is.

Share your heart with your readers, your fans, your social media followers!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Book Marketing Interview: Fitz Koehler on Self-Publishing

In this Book Marketing Success Podcast episode, I interview Fitz Koehler, a cancer survivor and author of Your Healthy Cancer Comback: Sick to Strong and the accompanying Healthy Cancer Comeback Journal. She is also author of My Noisy Cancer Comeback: Running at the Mouth, While Running for My Life.

In this podcast episode, we talk about the reasons she went from traditional publishing to begin self-publishing her books.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Book Marketing Q&A with John Kremer - December 2022

John Kremer answers questions on book marketing, online marketing, and book publishing. John answered book marketing questions on exclusive book distribution, selling online (especially if you're not selling via online bookstores), how to market to odd fictional genres, how to post to social media if you don't like social media, and even how to get on major TV shows as an interviewee or commenter.

For more about John Kremer and book marketing, see

To listen to other Book Marketing Success podcast episodes, check out

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