Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Book Readers As Production Designers

Do you realize that every time you read a book without pictures you become a production designer, casting director, and costume designer? Hell, you can be a director if you want to. Whether you know it or not, when you read a book without pictures, your brain fills in the blank spots. You can see the people, how they are dressed, which way they are moving, and what it looks like around them. Neat, huh? - Peter Wooley, author of What! And Give Up Show Business?

I discovered the above great quote on a website I found via a wonderful video. So here is the progression of the discovery:

1. I was watching a video that will be included soon in one of my 20-Minute Book Marketing Podcasts.

2. That video led me to another video that was showcased on the original video's page. You can see the video right below, where production designer Peter Wooley describes the day he met actress Katherine Hepburn. It's a great story.

3. The above video led me to Peter Wooley's website at where the top banner featured the following quote:

Peter Wooley quote

4. And that led me to checking out Peter Wooley's book, What! And Give Up Show Business?, which showcases many great stories about Hollywood movies and stars.

Note: Peter Wooley has been a production designer in the motion picture and television industries for over 30 years. His work includes Going Home, Sounder, Cleopatra Jones, Blazing Saddles, and High Anxiety.

Do you have any great Hollywood stories? Or stories about interesting encounters with famous book authors? If you do, please share them in the comments below. Thanks.

John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books
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