I talked to Corbett Barr, one of the people behind the program, and he agreed to do a webinar for my fans and followers. You can view the replay below:
Here are a few of the things you'll learn by tuning into this video here:
- The 9 most important elements required to start a blog that matters
- The stories of 5 bloggers who each make over $1 million a year doing what they love - following their passion
- 5 incredible case studies of plain folk who have started extremely popular blogs
- The answers to all your questions on how to start a blog that matters (during the live Q&A session)
- The stories of some authors and novelists who have benefited from having blogs that create impact
If you would like to sign up for Corbett's extended course on How to Start a Blog That Matters, click here: http://askthecoverdesigner.com/Blogging