Since my books target teachers and parents, I took them to the NJEA teacher’s convention. There, I showcased my books at a small display table (I couldn’t afford more than the tiny space!)
As teachers browsed my books, I offered a sample lesson plan they could use to implement the ideas contained within the books. I printed a different plan for each book at my table. Those lesson plans were the single most effective marketing ploy at the convention. Without them, I doubt I would have sold as many books as I did.
The lesson plans include page numbers for reference in my books and the National Standards that apply to the activities. As a retired teacher, I know what teachers want for their students. As a book author, I had a less than strong hold on how to market my books until I provided the lesson plans to promote my books.
These lesson plans are also available at my website by book title:
Feng Shui for the Classroom: 101 Easy-to-Use Ideas ( - Tips on how to balance your classroom by placing objects to energize your students.
Helping Kids Help: Organizing Successful Charitable Projects ( - Ideas on how to plan, structure, motivate, and implement philanthropy for kids.
Somebody Cares! ( - Book highlights the efforts of the Care Bags Foundation as a fictional girl plans a very different birthday party.