Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Little Red Book of Sales Answers

If you want to see how an Amazon.com bestseller campaign is done well -- with an incredibly wonderfully designed web page to make the sales pitch, then you've got to check this out today: http://www.trainone.com/special/april4.

Why today? Because I'm not sure if this page will be up after that time. And you'd miss out on a great sales page that you should model.

Plus, you'd miss out on a great book. Jeff Gitomer is a wonderfully succinct author who provides practical information that anyone can follow.

I wasn't solicited to be part of this Amazon Bestseller campaign. I just happened on to it via one of my RSS feeds. And I'm glad I did. I bought the book. Will you?

I'd buy the book just for the book. I know it will be good. But the bonuses are a nice added touch, especially since they are ones that I've not been offered before.
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