Monday, October 03, 2005

Comments: Anonymous Spam

Update: A reader of this blog has told me that I can avoid the comment spam by enabling a BlogSpot feature called word verification which I have now done. So now legitimate readers should be able to comment without any problem -- even anonymously -- since some of you like that feature.

Please note that this blog has been getting a lot of automatic comments spam so I had to change the setting for comments from anonymous to registered user. I hope this stops the automatic comments spam.

Up until now, I've been deleting the spam, but it takes a lot of work to monitor this spam -- which always links to other sites, mostly undesirable ones. I don't want any blog users to be exposed to this spam.

I also changed the settings so new posts could not accept comments. If you would like to comment, please email comments to me and I will post them. If you want to remain anonymous, you can send the post via one of the anonymous services or a temporary address.

I really hate to do this but I don't want you or others to be exposed to web sites from people who operate in this absolutely unnetworthy way. If I can figure out another way to do it, I will.
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