Trisha Gallagher of has parlayed the hook of being a Doubleday and Scholastic author into a topic that is timely. The war in Iraq, the troubles in Indonesia and Sudan, and the search for world peace and inner peace has the media interested in talking to her.
As Trisha noted, "I decided I needed a gimmick so I dubbed myself The Frugal Momma since one of my books is titled Raising Happy Kids on a Budget. The media is often intrigued by my new name (Frugal Momma). Attention is growing daily as I turn my inexpensive bookmarks into an opportunity for name recognition and promotion for paid speaking engagements. The simple web page was done by a 14 year old friend of my son's who only charged fifty dollars. So for all of those authors on a shoestring budget, please visit my one page web site. My motto is now KEEP IT SIMPLE."